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Hair Transplant
Natural, permanent and reliable results are obtained with modern hair transplantation practices performed by plastic surgery specialists.
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What is Hair Transplant?
Hair transplantation is the transportation of hair follicles taken from the breast, leg-arm, genital area body parts, especially from the back of the head near the neck, to the area where the hair is shed.
More preferred in hair transplantation are hair follicles located at the back of the head (in the neck). Since the hair follicles in the neck of men are insensitive to the DHT (dihydro testosterone) hormone, they shed less. Hair follicles taken from other parts of the body do not have the feature of not shedding and can be shed again after hair transplantation. However, women do not have an area that does not shed like men. For this reason, the chance of success in hair transplantation in women is less than in men.
It should be known that transplanted hair will also be shed over time as it will be affected by hereditary (genetic) structure. In recent years, due to the increasing demand for hair transplantation, it has become widely advertised and seen as a door of income. In hair transplantation, hair follicles that contain 1-4 hair cells must be transplanted by doctors.
Today, taking natural hair follicles containing 1-4 cells with advanced techniques and transferring them as a group is called FUT "Follicular Unit Transplantation" and this method is increasingly preferred by people with hair loss / baldness problems.
What are the side effects (complications)?
The main complications encountered after hair transplant operations are listed below:
Bleeding : Bleeding may occur in the areas where the grafts are taken or placed: In order to avoid this complication, the bleeding profile of the patient should be evaluated before the procedure and necessary laboratory examinations should be performed for this and drugs with the potential to increase bleeding should be discontinued sufficiently before the operation.
Infections : Infection development in the areas where hair is taken or transplanted are very rare complications. The reason for this is the natural resistance to infections due to the very good blood supply of the scalp. However, if an infection is detected, it should be treated with systemically administered antibiotics.
Bad scar tissue formation in the area where the hair follicles are taken : It is more common in hair transplants with the FUT method. It is more likely to be seen in those with suitable skin or those who use poor technique.
Loss of sensation in the area where the hair is taken : It can be seen rarely in patients undergoing FUT technique, it usually disappears with appropriate treatments.
Dermoid cysts: They appear a few weeks after the procedure and are caused by the implanted hair follicles being placed too deep. Before placing the hair follicle, the person who performs the transplantation should press the recipient area thoroughly and place the root later.
Cobblestone appearance : It occurs when the transplanted roots remain on the scalp. An appearance in the form of bubbles occurs on the scalp.
Hair growing in the wrong direction : Hair follicles that grow in a direction unrelated to the direction of other hair follicles in the area where the hair is transplanted are usually caused by poor hair transplantation technique. The main reason for this problem is that the hair is not transplanted at an angle of 30-35 degrees to the direction of hair growth.
Accelerated hair loss : While hair follicles are being transplanted, it may be caused by damage to other hair follicles around; It may also be caused by the stress of the hair transplant operation. Sharp tools should be used during the operation, and blunt tools should be changed immediately.
In order to minimize the risk of the complications listed above, it is absolutely necessary to work with competent people.
Hair transplant methods
Hair transplantation is a process that takes place in 2 stages: the removal of the roots and the transplantation of the harvested roots.
Hair follicle removal
1. FUE: Hair follicles are taken one by one from the donor area between the two ears on the back of the head. Before the hair is removed from the donor area, local anesthesia is applied to the area to avoid pain. Grafts (hair follicles) collected from the donor area are implanted one by one in the area to be transplanted. FUE hair transplantation has changed a lot from when it was first described. Today, p-FUE made with micromotor has replaced the first described technique. FUE technique is now rarely performed with biopsy needles, which we call punch, in appropriate cases. In this technique, no stitch marks are left on the neck. The hair transplanted at the end of an average of 1 year will gain its health and strength in the new region.
2. FUT: It is the event that a hair strip is removed from the nape of the safe area as a band and separated into the roots under a microscope. It was used for the first time in the 1930s. In the area where the hair is taken, a surgical scar in the form of a 5-10 cm wide strip can be left.
As a result of the use of micromotors in the FUE hair transplantation technique, the root transection rates have dropped to 1% today and it is about to become the gold standard. Although its use is becoming widespread in the world, it requires technical skills. Due to the success rate and the strong hair follicles taken from the donor area, your hair will not fall out after transplantation.
DHI Hair Transplant Method
Unlike the FUE technique, DHI hair transplantation method is a hair transplant method. DHI hair transplantation method is the process of placing the hair follicles collected from the patient one by one into the transplantation area with the help of an implanter pen. The most distinctive difference between FUE hair transplant method and DHI hair transplant is that it can be done without shaving. The procedure, which can be done in 2 steps in normal hair transplantation methods, can be performed in one step with DHI, so it can also be seen as Direct Hair Implantation.